Thursday, 29 August 2013

FREE Backup for VMware or Hyper-V Virtual Machines

Backup VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V VMs with the FREE edition of Unitrends Enterprise Backup™ (limited to  protect up to 1 TB of your virtual machines without limitations on number of VMs or sockets. Unitrends Free gives users the capability to automatically backup  VMware, Hyper-V and Windows with daily recovery points. See:

Thursday, 22 August 2013

FREE Microsoft TechNet Magazine Digital Download

Microsoft's TechNet Magazine for IT professionals is available as a FREE digital download with issues going back to 2005. No subscription is required. See:

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

FREE Zero-Config Remote Desktop Software

Ammyy Admin is a feature rich remote desktop utility with file transfer and voice chat features. It doesn't require installation or admin rights and is available for all versions of Windows. FREE for non-commercial use but limited to 15 hours a month. See:

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

FREE Network And Internet Utilities

NSAUDITOR.COM has over 30 FREE network and internet utilities, such as a network traffic monitor, broken web links checker, registry auditor, DHCP explorer, and an IP to Country Resolver. Available for Windows 8, 7, Vista & XP, see:

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Learn To Type Faster And With Fewer Errors

Learning to touch type is one skill that will free up more of your day (assuming you sit in front of a keyboard) than many time management techniques. is a FREE flash based online typing instructor, that keeps track of all your mistakes and your words–per–minute, so you can see how much you've improved. See:

Monday, 5 August 2013

FREE File Synchronization Tools

You should always have your data stored in two or more different locations in case something happens to your computer. Synchronization tools help you achieve this and these FREE tools have evolved to be quite powerful utilities.

Synkron offers mutlisync capabilities to sync multiple folders in different locations to a signal destination and can easily restore files that were overwritten or deleted in previous syncs. Available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. See:
FreeFileSync can sync locked files, offers advanced batch script functions and a wide range of comparison options, including compare by file content and symbolic link handling. Available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. See:

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Faster Technical Support Service Requests In Microsoft Office365

Before you call the Microsoft Office365 helpdesk, save yourself the trouble of giving out your name, telephone and email address numerous times by creating a service request ticket yourself at under Support, Service Requests. Once you have a ticket number, call the Office365 support line and you will have saved yourself either time and or blood pressure.